Speaker: Dr. Tonia Nicholls, Professor, UBC Department of Psychiatry /Lead, Forensic Research, BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services
How mental health and the Law intersect on the streets of the Downtown Eastside.
Speaker: Dr. Brenda Lau, Pain Specialist, CHANGEpain Medical & Allied Health Clinic
Why is Pain So Difficult to Treat and Stop?
Speaker to be determined
NOTE Date Change
Note Date Change
Every second month, join other Probus members to dine out at some of Vancouver’s finest restaurants. We’ll choose a restaurant, let you know where and when, and you let us know if you’re available to join and we’ll make the reservation. Multiple tables for 6, and we’ll mix up the seating for each event. Not only will you eat great food, you’ll make great friends. If the numbers permit, we may even grab a private room, and all sit together.
Ladies Who Lunch
Would you like to meet new people? Be part of scintillating conversations? Sample different cuisines? Try new places for lunch? Socialize with other Probus members? Then Ladies Who Lunch is the club for you. We will meet monthly for lunch and conversation at a range of different restaurants.
If you would like to join this club, then click on the link and you will be placed on the list to be contacted by Patti with the lunch details.
We have formed a second Lunch meeting at 12:00 pm on the last Thursday of each month. This activity is hosted by Peter Kaiser and the lunches will be held at the Sylvia Hotel, English Bay.
If you would like to join us for food and fellowship please register here.
Intermediate Bridge
Join us and play bridge once a month in a local church. This group is for players with an understanding of modern bidding conventions and play.
We have now found a room in a local church for our Bridge Club to meet one afternoon a month from 1-4 p.m.
If you would like to participate in the Intermediate Bridge Club, then please Register to be placed on the list and contacted by Wendy.
Book Club 1
Book Club Chapter 1 meets monthly at a member's home to discuss a recent book selection. Books are chosen by the members. The club is limited to 10 members and we can start a second club if we have more members interested.
If you would like to participate in the Book Club, then click on the link below to be placed on the list and contacted by Nancy.
A small group of men have been meeting at the Milltown pub in Marpole for lunch after each Probus Vancouver West speaker event and we’d like to extend a welcome to other men to join us. We meet at noon each month following the speaker. Please register to join the Men’s Pub Lunch if you’re interested in food and fellowship and we’ll take care of making the reservation.