Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Facility

  • 7 Feb 2023
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • 3


Registration is closed
This unique facility tour provides unforgettable learning experiences for our community to discover the story of wastewater collection and treatment and to explore connections to their daily lives and communities.

Tour generally last approximately 1.5 to 2 hours . The Plant tour will consist of a short presentation in our conference room, followed by a walking tour of the Plant.

The Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Facility is located at 13500 Gilbert Road, Richmond.
When you arrive at the Plant, you will have to buzz in at the front gate.  Once in, turn left and drive past our Administration Building to get to the visitor’s parking lot.  Please proceed to the Administration Building where we will meet you inside.

Safety is a priority for all staff and visitors. As this is a working facility, safety protocol must be adhered to by all attendees.

1). Safety vests, glasses & hard hats required (will be provided)
2). Close toed shoes are required (No high-heels or open-toes)
3). Be prepared to be outside (rain or shine)

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