Peter Cook has volunteered to lead a Cycling Group approx. every second Monday morning.
July 5th information
As the June 28th ride was cancelled due to the heat, the same ride will take place July 5th.
Meeting point: Canada Line Station Bridgeport
Time: Ready to ride at 9:30am
Route: The route will follow the Bridgeport trail (gravel), then the Shell Road trail (gravel, some pavement) to the Fraser River, returning to the Richmond dyke along the paved bicycle path on Railway Avenue. There is about 1.5 km on Shell Road, which is fairly busy.
Parking is available on Van Horne Way just east of Great Canadian Way where the Bridgeport trail begins (behind Costco). Electric bikes are welcome. There will be a coffee stop in Steveston. All welcome.
Please read the Waiver found on the Activities page before you register.
You will be asked to accept the Waiver on the Registration page.
If you want to register, log into our website.
Any questions, contact Peter at